Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Community Rooms

Bucyrus Public Library has several rooms that are open to community groups and individuals when not being used for library-related activities and programs. You may also reserve a meeting room for a party or other private event for free during library hours, or at a rate of $50/hr., with a minimum of 2 hours for after hour events. Find out more by visiting our Meeting Room Application page.

Computers, Internet, and Wireless Access

Bucyrus Public Library offers public computers with free Internet access and word processing software. You may use your library card or obtain a guest pass. We also have free Wi-Fi in the building.

Notary Public

BPL has three staff members who serve as notaries public and are happy to assist if you are in need of notarization. Ask for them at the circulation desk or call the library  at 419-562-7327, ext. 100 to make an appointment. This service is provided pro bono. Please have your paperwork filled out correctly ahead of time. If there are questions, please contact the place where the document originated (e.g. Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Crawford County Courthouse, etc.). Our notaries will only be authorizing the signatures on the document(s).

Voter Registration

You can complete and submit a voter registration form at BPL or visit the Crawford County Board of Elections to get more voter information.

Interlibrary Loan

If you would like to borrow an item that is not in our collection, we are happy to request it from another library. Ask a staff member if you would like to make a request.


You may print or copy items at the library at the rate of .20 cents per page.


Sending faxes are completely free, no matter where it’s going. Receiving faxes costs .20 cents per page.

Technology & Genealogy Help

Our staff is trained to search through our databases and resources to help you find what you are looking for. Requests for technology help can be made by calling 419-562-7327 or by stopping in to set up an appointment. Genealogy requests can be submitted to the front desk.